- To produce economists who will use their competence and skills in contributing to the formulation of solution to remedy the economic problems.
- To educate the students with fundamental principles of economics and to help them apply economic theory in practice in the light of today’s economic condition, issues, and problems.
- To enhance the learning process by fusing new economic trends in the curriculum especially with the advent of trade liberalization and globalization.
- To enhance the research capabilities of the students through the conduct of thesis defense, feasibility studies, economic case analysis, among others
- To maintain linkages with relevant government agencies such as the Department of Trade and Industry, NEDA, Bangko Sentral ng Pilipinas, and other professional organizations.
- To harness their leadership skills through extra-curricular activities anchored on activities of the Economics Society student organization.
- To inculcate in them the patriotism, honesty, integrity, social responsibility, and other positive virtues.
- Practice business economics as a discipline within community accepted standards.
- Engage in lifelong learning activities such as pursuing graduate studies or participating in various skills enhancement training and workshops.
- Engage in professional/consultancy services such as: membership in a professional organization and conducting community service.
- Exhibit leadership in business economics and other community endeavors.
- Acquire knowledge on how functional areas of business administration examine the business environment where the firm operates as it provides the background for managerial decision making.
- Understand how economic theory provides the analytical framework for optimal decision making.
- Understand how decision science provides the tool for optimization and for the estimation of economic relationships.
- Develop a global view into managerial economics to reflect the internalization of production and distribution in today’s world.
- Can ably provide information to consumers and other stakeholders on product and market behavior relevant to current economic trends.
- Can provide a better economic judgment on various market events and challenges.
- Relate unemployment and inflation concepts to local national settings through research on the country’s unemployment and inflationary conditions.
- To get a clearer perspective of the country’s economic growth.
- Can acquire and exhibit functional knowledge, values, attitudes, habits, and skills to cope with changing economic realities in the world.
- Manifest critical thinking and sound economic decisions based on classroom acquired knowledge.
- Demonstrate appreciation of the importance of economics by way of actively participating in problem solving and other related activities.
- Develop appreciation towards economics as it applies to present day circumstances.
- Understand international problems and policies on economic development as it relates to the national setting.
- Understand planning models for economic development and identify those that best apply to the country’s economic development requirements.
To mold students to be well-rounded graduate professionals who will be competent, morally upright and socially responsible in the wide array of careers in finance and help provide a sound basis for financial decision making to various clientele in a dynamic domestic and globalized business environment.
The graduates have the ability to:
- Articulate and adapt to the latest development in the field of financial management.
- Analyze the business environment for strategic direction
- Prepare operational and financial plans
- Innovate business ideas based on emerging developments in the industry of finance.
- Manage a strategic business unit for economic sustainability
- Apply both basic knowledge and practical skills that are relevant in the field of finance
Produce graduates that should be able to:
- Discuss the concept, principles and theories of financial management and international financial system.
- Perform basic book keeping and accounting of financial transactions in compliance with generally accepted accounting and reporting standards (both local and global) for sole proprietorships, partnerships corporations, government and not-for-profit organizations.
- Conduct business research and present findings and conclusions of the research study, and communicate effectively the recommendations
- Demonstrate corporate citizenship and social responsibility
- Apply financial analysis and business valuation techniques in evaluating investment opportunities
- Demonstrate technical and analytical skills necessary in business financial decision making, risk management, investment portfolio management and capital market
- Qualify for an entry level job or executive position in various general and specialized careers in financial management.
To produce ethical, competent, and globally-oriented marketing professionals who are responsive in the demands of the changing times, and who will contribute to the country’s development.
The graduates have the ability to:
- Apply the essential foundation of Marketing along the areas of: management of product, price, distribution and promotion in relation or harmony with the other business disciplines, namely: finance, human resource management, operations and productions management, among others;
- Articulate and discuss the latest trends and developments in the field of marketing;
- Demonstrate skills in information and communications technology as required by the changes in marketing and business landscape.
- Plan, implement and evaluate busines-related and marketing-specific activities;
- Exercise high personal and moral ethical standards in accordance with professional, social and ethical responsibilities; and
- Express oneself clearly and concisely and communicate effectively with stakeholders both in oral and written modality.
Produce graduates that should be able to:
- Prepare business and marketing academic papers which includes but is not limited to feasibility studies, new-product development and, marketing plan and research;
- Develop relevant and practical marketing strategies and solutions to business and marketing problems and concerns;
- Perform the marketing-related task in the workplace based on sound and accepted marketing theories and concepts in relation to other business functions;
- Assess business and marketing opportunities by analyzing customers, competitors, collaborators, and the strengths and weaknesses of an enterprise.
- Draw insights from the latest developments in the field of marketing locally and globally; and
- Communicate effectively marketing strategies, solutions, and campaigns.