Wed, Feb 27, 2019

TSU Extension Office Shares Success “Secrets”

The Tarlac State University (TSU) has been a motivating factor to the other State Universities and Colleges (SUCs) in strategy formulation, system implementation and best practices for extending services.


The Tarlac State University (TSU) has been a motivating factor to the other State Universities and Colleges (SUCs) in strategy formulation, system implementation and best practices for extending services.

On February 21, the Nueva Vizcaya State University benchmarked the University Extension Services Office (UESO).

This was followed by the Divina Pastora College on February 26.

In both activities, UESO Dir. Redemptor G. Toledano shared ideas and best practices of the university and highlighted the impact of the standards on the university.

He explained how TSU reached out to a variety of internal and external stakeholders, made better decisions for institutional developments, raised awareness and reputation, and gained a strong competitive advantage.

The university, he said, helped other institutions map out their extension plans and directions and improved the implementation of extension projects and programs by comparing their processes in a highly structured way. [Jay Ann L. Pablo]

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