Tue, Oct 22, 2019


As the 113th Foundation and 30th Charter Anniversary Celebration of Tarlac State University closes, TSU has secured a usufruct agreement with S.G. David Realty & Development CO.,INC. and the David Heirs on October 19, 2019 at the Alumni Center of the Lucinda Extension Campus.


As the 113th Foundation and 30th Charter Anniversary Celebration of Tarlac State University closes, TSU has secured a usufruct agreement with S.G. David Realty & Development CO.,INC. and the David Heirs on October 19, 2019 at the Alumni Center of the Lucinda Extension Campus.

The heirs of Serafin and Lucinda David: Serafin C. David Jr., Elmina David-Fernandez, Jose Pablo C. David, and Wivinia David-Esmundo has signed two deeds of usufruct together with Dr. Myrna Q. Mallari, University President and Vice-Chairperson of the Board of Regents.

The first deed allows TSU to use around 40,000 sq.m of land to become road as right of way for the future north back gate and drainage connecting the properties' water outfall as well as a terminal for shuttles coming from Masalasa Rd. and jeepneys should the 3M jeepney road be extended to TSU Lucinda Extension campus.

The second one describes parcels of land approximately 2 hectares where a residence hall for female and male students will be built- the 𝗧𝗦𝗨 𝗗𝗼𝗿𝗺𝗶𝘁𝗼𝗿𝘆. There will also be terminals built for shuttles across the existing gates 1 & 2 of the TSU Lucinda Extension Campus.

The usufruct deeds will both last for 30 years.

Present in the event are Vice Presidents: Dr. Lolita V. Sicat, Dr. Armee N. Rosel, Dr. Glenard T. Madriaga, and Dr. Erwin P. Lacanlale; Members of the Administrative Council; Deans and their selected Chairpersons; as well as members of the Supreme Student Council. 

The event was organized and led by Ms. Winniefe F. Gutierrez from the Office of Administration and Finance. 

[Jodie Andrea Pangilinan] 

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